The group “Spleen and transfusion” explores the impact of routine red blood cells (RBC) storage in blood banks on their post-transfusion fate in the recipient. The group interests include the identification of mechanisms determining RBC clearance by the spleen in normal physiology and after transfusion.
Specific lab equipments and in house-developed research tools such as imaging flow cytometry (for a powerful exploration of cell morphology), microsphiltration (mimicking spleen filtration), isolated-perfused human spleen model, cell adhesion platform, ektacytometer, flow cytometry and a cell sorter provide for a multi-parametric exploration of the mature RBC properties. In addition, part of our research activity is located at the Imagine Institute ( where mouse models are developed to investigate regulatory mechanisms of RBC clearance in vivo.
Pre-transfusion hypothermic storage of RBC concentrates (up to 42 days in France) is accompanied by numerous alterations called storage lesions, which increase with the duration of storage. These lesions are thought to be responsible for the clearance of 5 – 25% of transfused RBCs reducing transfusion effectiveness. We identified a sub-population of storage-induced micro-erythrocytes (SME), that accumulate during storage, reaching a mean proportion of 24% of the entire RBC population at day 42 (Roussel, Dussiot et al., Transfusion, 2017). We demonstrated that SMEs are cleared from the circulation of an ex vivo perfused human spleen or following transfusion in a mouse model of blood banking and transfusion (Roussel, Morel, Dussiot et al., Blood, 2021), making them a useful and quantitative marker of storage lesion predictive of transfusion effectiveness.
The objective of this project is to contribute to the evaluation of current and future storage processes. This field of research is indeed necessary to ensure a safe and efficient supply of RBC concentrates and regulatory or technological evolutions are under study to improve storage quality. Although each RBC concentrate is currently considered to be of equal quality, regardless of the donor or storage time, and can be used in all indications, progress in research would allow transfusion medicine to evolve towards personalized medicine.
During its existence, the RBC circulates in the vascular network of the body. It is therefore constantly subjected to mechanical and osmotic constraints leading to structural modifications of its cellular components. Several alterations are proposed but few are really validated as markers of senescence or trigger of elimination. The study of RBC physiological aging requires to study them in an organism in which they circulate, without undergoing major modifications that could disturb their production, function, aging and elimination. Also, the lifespan of RBCs is shorter in pathologies such as certain hereditary or acquired anemias. To better understand the etiology of these pathologies, it is important to develop the knowledge of the aging and senescence process of RBCs that will lead to their elimination from the circulation in normal situations.
The objective of this project is to identify the intrinsic and extrinsic determinants of RBC clearance at the end of life, in normal physiology, in pathological conditions or after hypothermic storage. Both human and mouse models are currently used to develop this objective.
Marin Mickaël, Roussel Camille, Dussiot Michael, Ndour Papa A, Hermine Olivier, Colin Yves, Gray Alan, Landrigan Matt, Le Van Kim Caroline, Buffet Pierre A, Amireault Pascal
Transfusion, 61 (2021)
[Red blood cells (RBC) change upon hypothermic conservation, and storage for 6 weeks is associated with the short-term clearance of 15% to 20% of transfused RBCs. Metabolic rejuvenation applied to RBCs before transfusion replenishes energetic sources and reverses most storage-related alterations, but how it impacts RBC circulatory functions has not been fully elucidated.,Six RBC units stored under blood bank conditions were analyzed weekly for 6 weeks and rejuvenated on Day 42 with an adenine-inosine-rich solution. Impact of storage and rejuvenation on adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels, morphology, accumulation of storage-induced microerythrocytes (SMEs), elongation under an osmotic gradient (by LORRCA), hemolysis, and phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure was evaluated. The impact of rejuvenation on filterability and adhesive properties of stored RBCs was also assessed.,Rejuvenation of RBCs restored intracellular ATP to almost normal levels and decreased the PS exposure from 2.78% to 0.41%. Upon rejuvenation, the proportion of SME dropped from 28.2% to 9.5%, while the proportion of normal-shaped RBCs (discocytes and echinocytes 1) increased from 47.7% to 67.1%. In LORCCA experiments, rejuvenation did not modify the capacity of RBCs to elongate and induced a reduction in cell volume. In functional tests, rejuvenation increased RBC filterability in a biomimetic splenic filter (+16%) and prevented their adhesion to endothelial cells (-87%).,Rejuvenation reduces the proportion of morphologically altered and adhesive RBCs that accumulate during storage. Along with the improvement in their filterability, these data show that rejuvenation improves RBC properties related to their capacity to persist in circulation after transfusion.]
Transfusion, 2021, vol.61, p.
Marin Mickaël, Roussel Camille, Dussiot Michael, Ndour Papa A, Hermine Olivier, Colin Yves, Gray Alan, Landrigan Matt, Le Van Kim Caroline, Buffet Pierre A, Amireault Pascal
Roussel Camille*, Morel Alexandre*, Dussiot Michaël*, Marin Mickaël, Colard Martin, Fricot-Monsinjon Aurélie, Martinez Anaïs, Chambrion Charlotte, Henry Benoît, Casimir Madeleine, Volle Geoffroy, Dépond Mallorie, Dokmak Safi, Paye François, Sauvanet Alain, Le Van Kim Caroline, Colin Yves, Georgeault Sonia, Roingeard Philippe, Spitalnik Steven L, Ndour Papa Alioune, Hermine Olivier, Hod Eldad A, Buffet Pierre A**, Amireault Pascal**
Blood, 137 (2021)
Permanent availability of red blood cells (RBCs) for transfusion depends on refrigerated storage, during which morphologically altered RBCs accumulate. Among these, a subpopulation of small RBCs, comprising type III echinocytes, spheroechinocytes, and spherocytes and defined as storage-induced microerythrocytes (SMEs), could be rapidly cleared from circulation posttransfusion. We quantified the proportion of SMEs in RBC concentrates from healthy human volunteers and assessed correlation with transfusion recovery, investigated the fate of SMEs upon perfusion through human spleen ex vivo, and explored where and how SMEs are cleared in a mouse model of blood storage and transfusion. In healthy human volunteers, high proportion of SMEs in long-stored RBC concentrates correlated with poor transfusion recovery. When perfused through human spleen, 15% and 61% of long-stored RBCs and SMEs were cleared in 70 minutes, respectively. High initial proportion of SMEs also correlated with high retention of RBCs by perfused human spleen. In the mouse model, SMEs accumulated during storage. Transfusion of long-stored RBCs resulted in reduced posttransfusion recovery, mostly due to SME clearance. After transfusion in mice, long-stored RBCs accumulated predominantly in spleen and were ingested mainly by splenic and hepatic macrophages. In macrophage-depleted mice, splenic accumulation and SME clearance were delayed, and transfusion recovery was improved. In healthy hosts, SMEs were cleared predominantly by macrophages in spleen and liver. When this well-demarcated subpopulation of altered RBCs was abundant in RBC concentrates, transfusion recovery was diminished. SME quantification has the potential to improve blood product quality assessment. This trial was registered at as #NCT02889133.
Blood, 2021, vol.137, p.
Roussel Camille*, Morel Alexandre*, Dussiot Michaël*, Marin Mickaël, Colard Martin, Fricot-Monsinjon Aurélie, Martinez Anaïs, Chambrion Charlotte, Henry Benoît, Casimir Madeleine, Volle Geoffroy, Dépond Mallorie, Dokmak Safi, Paye François, Sauvanet Alain, Le Van Kim Caroline, Colin Yves, Georgeault Sonia, Roingeard Philippe, Spitalnik Steven L, Ndour Papa Alioune, Hermine Olivier, Hod Eldad A, Buffet Pierre A**, Amireault Pascal**
Roussel Camille, Dussiot Michaël, Marin Mickaël, Morel Alexandre, Ndour Papa Alioune, Duez Julien, Le Van Kim Caroline, Hermine Olivier, Colin Yves, Buffet Pierre A, Amireault Pascal
Transfusion, 57 (2017)
[Storage lesion may explain the rapid clearance of up to 25% of transfused red blood cells (RBCs) in recipients. Several alterations affect stored RBC but a quantitative, whole cell-based predictor of transfusion yield is lacking. Because RBCs with reduced surface area are retained by the spleen, we quantified changes in RBC dimensions during storage.,Using imaging flow cytometry we observed the dimension and morphology of RBCs upon storage, along with that of conventional biochemical and mechanical markers of storage lesion. We then validated these findings using differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy and quantified the accumulation of microparticles (MPs).,Mean projected surface area of the whole RBC population decreased from 72.4 to 68.4 µm , a change resulting from the appearance of a well-demarcated subpopulation of RBCs with reduced mean projected surface (58 µm , 15.2%-19.9% reduction). These small RBCs accounted for 4.9 and 23.6% of all RBCs on Days 3 and 42 of storage, respectively. DIC microscopy confirmed that small RBCs had shifted upon storage from discocytes to echinocytes III, spheroechinocytes, and spherocytes. Glycophorin A-positive MPs and small RBCs appeared after similar kinetics.,The reduction in surface area of small RBCs is expected to induce their retention by the spleen. We propose that small RBCs generated by MP-induced membrane loss are preferentially cleared from the circulation shortly after transfusion of long-stored blood. Their operator-independent quantification using imaging flow cytometry may provide a marker of storage lesion potentially predictive of transfusion yield.]
Transfusion, 2017, vol.57, p.
Roussel Camille, Dussiot Michaël, Marin Mickaël, Morel Alexandre, Ndour Papa Alioune, Duez Julien, Le Van Kim Caroline, Hermine Olivier, Colin Yves, Buffet Pierre A, Amireault Pascal
Roussel Camille, Monnier Sylvain, Dussiot Michael, Farcy Elisabeth, Hermine Olivier, Le Van Kim Caroline, Colin Yves, Piel Matthieu, Amireault Pascal, Buffet Pierre A
Frontiers in medicine, 5 (2018)
Red blood cells (RBC) ability to circulate is closely related to their surface area-to-volume ratio. A decrease in this ratio induces a decrease in RBC deformability that can lead to their retention and elimination in the spleen. We recently showed that a subpopulation of small RBC with reduced projected surface area accumulated upon storage in blood bank concentrates, but data on the volume of these altered RBC are lacking. So far, single cell measurement of RBC volume has remained a challenging task achieved by a few sophisticated methods some being subject to potential artifacts. We aimed to develop a reproducible and ergonomic method to assess simultaneously RBC volume and morphology at the single cell level. We adapted the fluorescence exclusion measurement of volume in nucleated cells to the measurement of RBC volume. This method requires no pre-treatment of the cell and can be performed in physiological or experimental buffer. In addition to RBC volume assessment, brightfield images enabling a precise definition of the morphology and the measurement of projected surface area can be generated simultaneously. We first verified that fluorescence exclusion is precise, reproducible and can quantify volume modifications following morphological changes induced by heating or incubation in non-physiological medium. We then used the method to characterize RBC stored for 42 days in SAG-M in blood bank conditions. Simultaneous determination of the volume, projected surface area and morphology allowed to evaluate the surface area-to-volume ratio of individual RBC upon storage. We observed a similar surface area-to-volume ratio in discocytes (D) and echinocytes I (EI), which decreased in EII (7%) and EIII (24%), sphero-echinocytes (SE; 41%) and spherocytes (S; 47%). If RBC dimensions determine indeed the ability of RBC to cross the spleen, these modifications are expected to induce the rapid splenic entrapment of the most morphologically altered RBC (EIII, SE, and S) and further support the hypothesis of a rapid clearance of the small RBC subpopulation by the spleen following transfusion.
Frontiers in medicine, 2018, vol.5, p.
Roussel Camille, Monnier Sylvain, Dussiot Michael, Farcy Elisabeth, Hermine Olivier, Le Van Kim Caroline, Colin Yves, Piel Matthieu, Amireault Pascal, Buffet Pierre A
Roussel Camille, Buffet Pierre A, Amireault Pascal
Frontiers in medicine, 5 (2018)
The proportion of transfused red blood cells (RBCs) that remain in circulation is an important surrogate marker of transfusion efficacy and contributes to predict the potential benefit of a transfusion process. Over the last 50 years, most of the transfusion recovery data were generated by chromium-51 (Cr)-labeling studies and were predominantly performed to validate new storage systems and new processes to prepare RBC concentrates. As a consequence, our understanding of transfusion efficacy is strongly dependent on the strengths and weaknesses of Cr labeling in particular. Other methods such as antigen mismatch or biotin-based labeling can bring relevant information, for example, on the long-term survival of transfused RBC. These radioactivity-free methods can be used in patients including from vulnerable groups. We provide an overview of the methods used to measure transfusion recovery in humans, compare their strengths and weaknesses, and discuss their potential limitations. Also, based on our understanding of the spleen-specific filtration of damaged RBC and historical transfusion recovery data, we propose that RBC deformability and morphology are storage lesion markers that could become useful predictors of transfusion recovery. Transfusion recovery can and should be accurately explored by more than one method. Technical optimization and clarification of concepts is still needed in this important field of transfusion and physiology.
Biotigr Lab
Team 4 UMR-S 1134 INSERM
Université de Paris
Hôpital NECKER – Enfants Malades
149 rue de Sèvres
75015 Paris, France