PhD student, Spleen function in physiology and disease group
After I finished my DUT (Diplome Universitaire et Technologique) in Bioinformatics, I decided to stay in the biological field. That’s why I continued my carrier with a Bachelors degree in cellular biology and physiology and a Master degree in molecular and cellular biology, which I finish in 2020. Shortly after, I accepted a one-year position as an engineer in the team of Prof. Pierre Buffet. Since November 2021, I have the honor to be a PhD student within his team. The title of my project is “Genesis and pitting of intra-erythrocytic vacuoles in hyposplenic subjects”.
Biotigr Lab
Team 4 UMR-S 1134 INSERM
Université de Paris
Hôpital NECKER – Enfants Malades
149 rue de Sèvres
75015 Paris, France